Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pimiento Cheese

Having not hailed from the South, I only recently discovered pimiento cheese. What a revelation... whether you spread it on freshly baked white bread (remove the crusts and you've got the perfect tea sandwich), celery sticks or your favorite burger. Yes, it's utterly indulgent. We all need to get in touch with our inner Southerner and live a little now and then, don't we? I assure you, this recipe, adapted from Y'all Come Eat, will leave you feeling most hospitable and longing for a tall glass of sweet tea.

Pimiento Cheese

4 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
2 cups medium cheddar or 1 cup each of sharp cheddar and Monterey Jack, shredded
1/2 cup mayonnaise
3 tablespoons pimiento, chopped
1 teaspoon onion, grated
pinch of garlic powder (if desired)
salt and pepper to taste

Mix or process ingredients until smooth. Serve as desired.

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